madman101 Jan 24, 2017 19:50
politics - voting, presidents - trump donald trump, politics - elections
madman101 Dec 19, 2016 22:28
politics - voting, presidents - trump donald trump, politics - 2016 / elections, politics - electoral college
madman101 Nov 24, 2016 16:24
politics - voting - strategic voting, psychology - motivation, psychology - altruism, animals - altruism, psychology - fear, tell it like it is, psychology and politics, mindfulness and presence, politics - dnc/ democratic party/ demsca, politics and psychology, all * law / legal / rights, empathy * compassion - and see psych, self-respect, politics - 2016 / elections, psychology - empathy / compassion, honour, game theory - tragedy of commons, voting for 'the lesser of two...', evil - psychology of, presidents - roosevelt fdr franklin, animals - empathy / compassion, crazy people - in general, politics - democracy "idk", psychology - emotion, freedom from fear, holidays - thanksgiving, gratitude / ingratitude, vote your conscience, freedom - four freedoms, game theory - zero sum, grace, politics - voting, psychology - happiness, game theory - prisoners dilemma, ricard - matthieu